Business Improvers

We removed the labels of business mentor, coach, consultant

Simply Wygwag to improve your business


We understand you will be committing your time and money. Before you do, let's talk. So you can be sure you're ready for these commitments

What to expect

A clear objective is agreed on each call. A clear rationale for why and steps for how. Clarity on how this action supports your overall business purpose

Untitled (1200 x 900 px) (1400 x 550 px) (2000 x 1333 px) (1400 x 550 px)-3

We invite you to an initial call. This is for you to introduce your business and to be comfortable with Wygwag before booking any paid sessions.

Wygwag is an online service only, with sessions through Zoom. This allows us to provide great service and best value to you and your business.

Following the free initial call, each session tends to be 30 minutes long. This includes review of the successes and challenges of previous action, and agreement on next core actions

Each package has three sessions. Depending on the agreed actions we would suggest between one and three weeks between these sessions.

Subscription bookings last for up to two months.