What’s your moment of joy from work … and when did you last experience it?

Happy business people talking and laughing together at cafe
How to identify your moment of joy from work, and allow yourself chance to experience it.

For some industries, the moments of joy are clear.

For athletes it’s about the winning. Be it winning races, winning games, winning trophies. Those dizzying moments of success, of writing themselves into history.

Movie stars, producers and editors have the film’s premier, the chance to witness the reactions of others as they experience the new release for the very first time.

Scientists and mathematicians achieving the breakthrough moment they’ve strived for. Imagine how it feels to land a ship on Mars, to prove black holes are two-dimensional or to have positive trials for a new covid vaccine.

Stage performers and musicians looking out at a sea of eyes, all staring intently back. All focussed on nothing else, complete audience awe as they submit to that performance and that moment.

Those in healthcare saving a life. Improving a life. Or bringing life into the World.

You work in business. What are your personal moments of joy?

The key is to be aware of these moments. To be able to allow yourself time to create and enjoy them.

If these moments are missing – or you are unable to reach them – it may be time to review your business operation model.

After all, why should everybody else get all the fun?